Friday, September 14, 2007

Sunday Gravy

"Sunday Gravy" is a term used by many people of Italian descent, esp. if you are from the northeast.

The Boulder Daily Camera recently had an article about this tradition. People recalled their memories of this wonderful tradition. Not only the food itself, but the smells, the memories of the people who prepared the food, the traditions that go back many generations.

The article used a few sentences from me in at as well:

For Paul Magnanti, his grandmother's gravy was a Sunday mainstay of his childhood in Rhode Island.

"Until I was 9 or 10, I assumed everyone went over to their grandmother's house and had ravioli after church," says Magnanti, 33, who has lived in Boulder since 1999. "There was usually something yummy smelling when you walked in the door."


He likes to use a little balsamic vinegar to add flavor and acid to his sauce. But his gravy is about more than its good taste.

"It's a way to pass on the culture and the identity," he says. "It brings back some good memories for sure."

As the years go on and those long, leisurely dinners are becoming memory more so than something I experience, I'll always look fondly on Sundays at our grandparents' home. It is part of my identity and something I try to share with my friends here in Boulder.

Few things in life equal long conversations, good food and good friends to enjoy it all with.

Plan on continuing this part of my heritage as long as I can. In between walks, of course. ;-)


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