The following was originally posted on CDT-L and will be in the ALDHA newsletter.
Ready edited my quick post and made it a bit more...readable. :)
I drove with my buddy d-low and a woman named Heather, from Boulder to Buena Vista, CO, for the annual
CDTA Trail Fest. Trail Fest, a celebration of the CDT took place July 21st- 23rd. It featured an
entire weekend of educational and recreational opportnities, offering information booths,
guided trips, and [the main reason why I went] trail work projects. The particular project we were
looking forward to involved constructing new tread at Cottonwood Pass.
It was overcast that first day and we were wondering if it was going to rain while we
worked. Luckily it did not. The day involved moving rocks (lots of rocks!), constructing
the tread, and of course, enjoying the views.
Even on an overcast day you can't help but marvel at the views from the Divide. Late afternoon we all
packed up, drove to the main campsite, ate ,e then sat around the campfire enjoying good company.
Besides the incredible scenery, you meet some really nice people on these projects.
The rain held off till nighttime, but is there anything more relaxing than listening to rain on a tent?
The following day (Saturday) was the volunteers' free day, if you will. A few went on guided
trips or worked at the Fest itself down in Buena Vista.
A good chunk of us from the Cottonwood project spent the day constructing new tread near
Interlaken on the CDT/Colorado Trail. The new tread will take hikers off the road and
around Twin Lakes. Together, we busted out the trail, finishing early. I must say it came out
rather well. We drove back to the Fest, treated ourselves to some beer (yay! beer!), had some
food at "Taste of the Trail," where we enjoyed the music and more good conversation. Later
in the evening, quite a few us luxuriated in some soaking at Cottonwood Springs. Ahhhhh!
On Sunday morning we drove back up to Cottonwood Pass for a last day on the project. We could
not have asked for a more glorious day: sunny, with vistas extending well down the Divide -- much
better than the view I get from my desk! By the end of the day, we had constructed about
2000' of new trail. Combining that with the work from Saturday, I’d certainly say it was a
productive weekend!
We all drove back to Boulder, had some awesome Lebanese food at Ali Baba's Grill.
(One of my friends from Israel and another from Iran swear by this place. “Best humus around!”) I
put off - for several days - my least favorite part of any trip: UNPACKING! Blecch! Damp gear,
sweat soaked clothes, and shoes that desperately need to be aired out...well, enough said. "Ah, but,"
I muse, "it was well worth it." It was an extremely enjoyable weekend.

Some pics from the weekend (almost all from the Cottonwood Pass area)
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