Thursday, April 05, 2007

March 24th, 2007 - Frozen Flagstaff

I had organized a hike for the Colorado Hiking and Outdoor Society (CHAOS) that was supposed to be a jaunt up South Boulder Peak.

When I woke up in the morning, there was very un-Colorado like weather in the form of torrential rain! No matter. Rain or shine, I want to hike!

I showed up at Caffe' Sole not expecting anyone. But my friend Dee was already there! A "river rat" to my "hiker trash". Someone used to being out in all kinds of conditions...and enjoying it.

So we sucked down the last our coffee, waited around just in case someone showed up and went to my truck. Just as we were walking to the truck, I hear a "MAGS!"

My friend Stephen showed up as well. So there were three of us crazy enough to go hiking on a day that had rain and snow a mere 1000 feet up.

A slight change of plans were made. Instead of doing South Boulder peak (and the exposed meadows), we did Flagstaff Mountain.

Flagstaff Mountain is about 2000 feet lower and is mainly in the trees. The rain let up as we started hiking and a mist came out that reminded me of the Pacific Northwest or the Whites in New Hampshire. It really was beautiful.

The wooded summit of Flagstaff

At the wooded summit, it started snowing. No matter. We drank some hot tea, enjoyed the falling flakes that came down in large, wet clumps.

We made our way down the trail and gradually entered back into the drizzle.

After this wonderful, but cold and wet morning, a late breakfast and some hot coffee would be just the ticket. The South Side Walnut Cafe' obliged.

It is almost always sunny in Colorado. Some change of weather made a well known mountain a different experience. Not bad..not bad at all.


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