March 11th, 2007 - Kings Lake Trail..and a frozen dead guy
The winter is winding down.
The weather is getting warm, green is starting to appear and the first wild flowers are starting to poke through in the foothills.
The final days of skiing are happening for this winter.
Just as well, I'm ready for hiking. Ready to exchange shell pants for shorts; skis and boots for trail runners. Time to hike!
But, I had to do one last ski.
The trail chosen was the little explore King Lake Trail. Though Terry and I both have Nordic skied quite a bit in the Indian Peaks area, neither one of us have one this trail. D-low was especially gung-ho to try this trai out. Joining us would be my recently found AT buddy Marc "Squanto" Schultz.
The fours of us met for the ritual bagel and coffee fix, we (gratefully) piled into Terry's Jeep and drove up to the town of Nederland.
At the trailhead, it was already warm. Not the best skiing conditions (read: CLUMPAGE!), but the day was too good to complain. We made our way quickly to untracked trail and spent some time route finding. With the warm weather, all of us remarked how it just FEELS like hiking season.

After a bite to eat, we skied back. Some of the trail melted out since morning and dirt was exposed!
No matter, the day was enjoyed immensely. What is not to like when you can play in the Colorado mountains?
On the way back, we briefly stopped at Frozen Dead Guys days in Ned. D-low and I both picked up t-shirts to celebrate this unique, er, event!

Afterwards, we had a mandatory beer and a local Boulder pub.
Another good day of skiing...but the hiking trails call.
Time to explore the foothills, see the early season wildflowers and shed layers of clothes!
All the photos
The weather is getting warm, green is starting to appear and the first wild flowers are starting to poke through in the foothills.
The final days of skiing are happening for this winter.
Just as well, I'm ready for hiking. Ready to exchange shell pants for shorts; skis and boots for trail runners. Time to hike!
But, I had to do one last ski.
The trail chosen was the little explore King Lake Trail. Though Terry and I both have Nordic skied quite a bit in the Indian Peaks area, neither one of us have one this trail. D-low was especially gung-ho to try this trai out. Joining us would be my recently found AT buddy Marc "Squanto" Schultz.
The fours of us met for the ritual bagel and coffee fix, we (gratefully) piled into Terry's Jeep and drove up to the town of Nederland.
At the trailhead, it was already warm. Not the best skiing conditions (read: CLUMPAGE!), but the day was too good to complain. We made our way quickly to untracked trail and spent some time route finding. With the warm weather, all of us remarked how it just FEELS like hiking season.
After a bite to eat, we skied back. Some of the trail melted out since morning and dirt was exposed!
No matter, the day was enjoyed immensely. What is not to like when you can play in the Colorado mountains?
On the way back, we briefly stopped at Frozen Dead Guys days in Ned. D-low and I both picked up t-shirts to celebrate this unique, er, event!

Afterwards, we had a mandatory beer and a local Boulder pub.
Another good day of skiing...but the hiking trails call.
Time to explore the foothills, see the early season wildflowers and shed layers of clothes!
All the photos
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