May 19th - 20th Happy Birthday to Me!
With a few exceptions, birthdays have been low key affairs. The idea of throwing myself a party just doesn't work for me. Too much hassle..and I feel odd throwing a party to celebrate myself.
This year, I turned 33. Not a milestone birthday. But one that did make me think a bit
As such, I wanted to go somewhere conducive to being by myself and doing some reflecting. I wanted a big trip where I walked all day. For me, nothing is conducive to contemplation than the simple act of walking. People spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars for meditation retreats , yet simply walking, being in the wilderness and sleeping under the stars costs much less, is more rewarding, less expensive and is arguably more effective. Perhaps I am not enlightened enough to realize the benefit of organized retreats? :) Wonder what Basho would think?
My original idea was to go to Utah. Leave Friday after work, drive up and spend the weekend in his stark and striking area. I have yet to find and area that is as unique, beautiful, raw and expansive as the desert southwest.
Then one night I met Jess.
Typically, we both met each other when we weren't looking necessarily to be dating someone. Through happenstance, we ended up at the same trivia night, started talking (until 2:30 in the morning!) and realized how much we seem to have in common. For once some "common sense synapse" fired off in my brain and I asked for her number. :)
To make this already long story somewhat short, we've been together and I might actually want to spend some time with someone on my birthday.
Jess is a grad student at CU and had lab work to do Friday. Still wanting to go somewhere different from Colorado, we decided on Wyoming.
After consulting with my thru-hiker friend Mark (Footslogger), Jess and I went to
Pelton Creek.
Along on this trip was Jess' dog Gadsen. I have a feeling that Gadsen liking
me is part of the reason why Jess and I are dating! It is now at the point that whenever Gadsen sees me, his tail starts wagging. He knows that there is a very good chance we are going hiking.
He is usually right!

Since it was Gadsen's first time in a tent, we opted to go car camping as a trial run.
Luckily, Pelton Creek has a campground that does not see much use early in the season, is in a pretty location, and is near two hiking trails.
Saturday morning we left Boulder, drove up to the campsite and enjoyed the perks of car camping. Camp chairs! Coleman two-burner stove! A cooler full of fresh food! Wine! Yeah..I can get used to this car camping thing.
After setting up camp, we opted for a jaunt on one of the trails. The wildflowers were just starting to come out at this elevation and latitude. The creek was flowing well. So well that a stream ford that was thigh high was required.
We made our way back to camp, cooked a nice curry stew, had some wine, made a camp fire and just enjoyed the simple act of talking. The stars above, a glowing fire, a glass of wine, good company. What more is needed?
I found out later when Jess had a mischievous grin and said she had to go to my truck and get something. Oh, and I was forbidden to look inside!
She came out later with 34 cupcakes and candles. (One for good luck).

The following day we did another hike. This time we hiked above some bluffs with a great view down to the creek. Nice.

We got back to camp, packed up and drove to nearby Laramie, WY. While there we visited Mark and Leslie. Leslie (aka BA Turtle) is also a thru-hiker and is now currently a professor at Wyoming University. Mark and Leslie treated us to grilled salmon, chilled wine and some great conversation on their deck on a warm, early summer night. After three hours, Jess and I reluctantly made the drive back home.

I can't think of a better way to spend my birthday weekend..or a better person to spend it with. (Awwwhh!)
ps. Gadsen did GREAT in the tent. Backpacking is next!
All the pics
This year, I turned 33. Not a milestone birthday. But one that did make me think a bit
As such, I wanted to go somewhere conducive to being by myself and doing some reflecting. I wanted a big trip where I walked all day. For me, nothing is conducive to contemplation than the simple act of walking. People spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars for meditation retreats , yet simply walking, being in the wilderness and sleeping under the stars costs much less, is more rewarding, less expensive and is arguably more effective. Perhaps I am not enlightened enough to realize the benefit of organized retreats? :) Wonder what Basho would think?
My original idea was to go to Utah. Leave Friday after work, drive up and spend the weekend in his stark and striking area. I have yet to find and area that is as unique, beautiful, raw and expansive as the desert southwest.
Then one night I met Jess.
Typically, we both met each other when we weren't looking necessarily to be dating someone. Through happenstance, we ended up at the same trivia night, started talking (until 2:30 in the morning!) and realized how much we seem to have in common. For once some "common sense synapse" fired off in my brain and I asked for her number. :)
To make this already long story somewhat short, we've been together and I might actually want to spend some time with someone on my birthday.
Jess is a grad student at CU and had lab work to do Friday. Still wanting to go somewhere different from Colorado, we decided on Wyoming.
After consulting with my thru-hiker friend Mark (Footslogger), Jess and I went to
Pelton Creek.
Along on this trip was Jess' dog Gadsen. I have a feeling that Gadsen liking
me is part of the reason why Jess and I are dating! It is now at the point that whenever Gadsen sees me, his tail starts wagging. He knows that there is a very good chance we are going hiking.
He is usually right!

Since it was Gadsen's first time in a tent, we opted to go car camping as a trial run.
Luckily, Pelton Creek has a campground that does not see much use early in the season, is in a pretty location, and is near two hiking trails.
Saturday morning we left Boulder, drove up to the campsite and enjoyed the perks of car camping. Camp chairs! Coleman two-burner stove! A cooler full of fresh food! Wine! Yeah..I can get used to this car camping thing.
After setting up camp, we opted for a jaunt on one of the trails. The wildflowers were just starting to come out at this elevation and latitude. The creek was flowing well. So well that a stream ford that was thigh high was required.
We made our way back to camp, cooked a nice curry stew, had some wine, made a camp fire and just enjoyed the simple act of talking. The stars above, a glowing fire, a glass of wine, good company. What more is needed?
I found out later when Jess had a mischievous grin and said she had to go to my truck and get something. Oh, and I was forbidden to look inside!
She came out later with 34 cupcakes and candles. (One for good luck).
The following day we did another hike. This time we hiked above some bluffs with a great view down to the creek. Nice.

We got back to camp, packed up and drove to nearby Laramie, WY. While there we visited Mark and Leslie. Leslie (aka BA Turtle) is also a thru-hiker and is now currently a professor at Wyoming University. Mark and Leslie treated us to grilled salmon, chilled wine and some great conversation on their deck on a warm, early summer night. After three hours, Jess and I reluctantly made the drive back home.
I can't think of a better way to spend my birthday weekend..or a better person to spend it with. (Awwwhh!)
ps. Gadsen did GREAT in the tent. Backpacking is next!
All the pics