Monday, April 21, 2008

April 19th and April 20th, 2008 - Some "redwax skiing" and a White Ranch Walkabout

There is still an insane amount of snow up in high country. Arapahoe Pass, not far from my house at the crow flies, is about 140% snowpack level this year (as of April).

Since the flu from earlier this winter curtailed some of my skiing, I decided to get in some spring skiing.

Skiing in the spring means an early start with variable snow conditions. Red wax is called for. But, red wax and variable conditions suck (to use a technical term) :) So I was lazy and grabbed my waxless fish-scale skis. Waxless skis are great for spring skiing.

So off to Brainard I went. A little cool in AM, but it heated up quickly. I did about an ~11 mile tour. Between my waxless skis and the clumpy snow, did not get a good glide in as I normally do.

Skill, it was quite nice to be playing in so much snow so late in the year.

Lots of snow up to 10k or so feet!

Though the skiing was fun, it proved to me that I am ready to be hiking again. Ready to take little equipment, walking in shorts and basking in the sun.

It can be difficult to find foothill hikes that I have not done before. Though I love the foothill hikes in Boulder, variety is good. After my hike to White Ranch recently, decided to explore it a bit more.

White Ranch only has 20 miles of trails, but a lot of variety. Rolling hills, open meadows, and cool rock formations. The day was a perfect spring day with lots of pasque flowers and sand lilies. Being a multi-use area, lots of mountain bike were present at well. I also extended the trip a bit by missing a turn off. Doh! :)

Overall, a nice day if a bit longer due to my Homer Simpson moment...Ahem.


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