Monday, November 19, 2007

Nov 18th - Golden Gate Canyon

A casual jaunt to Golden Gate Canyon state park was had on November 18th.

Golden Gate Canyon is a favorite place for shoulder season hikes. Gentle terrain, open meadows, nice views.

Nothing too dramatic, just a pleasant way to spend a day.

We did a modified version of the Mountain Lion loop. The loop, besides taking in some nice views off of Windy Peak, also passes by an old homestead. Part of this loop also goes by an Appalachian Trail-style lean-to. If there were white blazes, I'd feel like I was back East!

Views towards the Continental Divide from Windy Peak

A nice and pleasant day for a stroll.

All the photos

Friday, November 16, 2007

One year ago this month...

Here 's an e-mail I sent out to some CDT friends:

Hard to believe....

For those of us in the CDT 2006 crew (and those who admit to knowing us.. ;-) ), it has been about 1 year (give or take) since we finished the CDT.

Feeling a bit of CDT homesickness if you will, I watched Disco's Walkumentary again.

I laughed at the many funny memories, thought wistfully of the time spent in the Winds and think of what a great year 2006 turned out to be.

I don't think the time on the CDT would have been as memorable if it was not for all the great people we met on the trail. Safe to say, I think many of us did the CDT expecting a solo experience and not a social one. The CDT was mainly solo for me, but the moments spent with other hikers were so memorable. There were not many of us, but those of us out there seemed to really have some great memories together. One crazy weekend in CB, marg night in Rawlins (who ever knew a pit of a town could be so fun ?), walking through some gorgeous country together and too many other memories to count.

One year later, it is amazing how many of us still see each other. A bunch of us did the 13er traverse outside of Berthoud Pass, D-low, Disco and I experienced CDT-like brutality (questionable boundaries, old and vanishing trails, road walking and snow drifts included!) around Pikes Peak, we continue to hook up for beers, a few of us hooked up at the ALDHA West Gathering (sigh. not d-low or I), and one crazy and unexpected night, Speedo was in Denver at a mainly thru-hiker get together. Many of the people on this e-mail list were there. The energy was high and made for a memorable night.

What is there to say? The CDT last year was awesome. And I think part of the reason was because of the shared experience we all had. So here's to the CDT in 2006. Here's to a great 2007 that we are about to finish. And here's continuing to staying in touch for 2008 and beyond. :)

Nostalgic Mags

Hiker Trash in Crested Butte

The replies back from my trail buddies were in a similar vein.

As I have said many times in the past, balancing a sense of wanderlust with an equally strong sense of wanting some stability and community in my life has been difficult.

I enjoy my community here in Boulder. But, I look at photos, I read my journals and I watch the videos. My mind wanders to the backpack hanging on the garage wall. I just want to grab the pack and go.

Next year it will be ten years since I've done the Appalachian Trail. Hiking the AT, frankly, ruined me. It was hard to go back to my previous life in Rhode Island. And it left me with the desire to continue to wander. The intellectual part of me thinks "You are going to be 34 in a few months. You should grow up and settle down!" My gut tells me "When can I get out again??!?!" I readily admit to not knowing how to strike a balance.

For those cursed and blessed with wanderlust, you are in good company. Steinbeck wrote a wonderful book called TRAVELS WITH CHARLIE. In this travelogue, Steinbeck (along with his dog Charlie) travels the roads and off-the-beaten path areas of early 1960s America. A chance to reconnect with the common people he wrote so eloquently about in the past.

Some of the first lines Steinbeck wrote set the tone of the book:

When I was very young and the urge to be someplace was on me, I was assured by mature people that maturity would cure this itch. When years described me as mature, the remedy prescribed was middle age. In middle age I was assured that greater age would calm my fever and now that I am fifty-eight perhaps senility will do the job. Nothing has worked. . . In other words, I don't improve, in further words, once a bum always a bum. I fear the disease is incurable.

A (now former) girlfriend once told me that "The outdoors for you is not a hobby, it is a lifestyle". She's right. But more importantly, my outdoor TRAVELS are a lifestyle for me. A lifestyle I am finding difficult to give up; a yearning that never goes away.

Even if I am not on the trail, or planning to be on long journey, the urge to get out there never goes away. Day hikes are nice, overnighters are fantastic...but nothing replaces the sheer joy and bliss of being on a journey. The simple act of putting one foot in front of another. Getting from Point A to Point B under my own power. Living out of my pack. Having the country all round me and being discovered one step at a time.

Once a bum. Always a bum.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

November 11th - Land Nav 101 F/X

On Sunday, I took a group of ten people out for some map and compass exercises.

A chance to put into practice what we went over on the previous Wednesday in a "class" I taught.

From the blurb on the website:
Map and compass skills are one of the foundations for any enjoyment of the outdoors. With some basic navigation skills you can know where you are, where you want to go and get off the beaten path to really explore the wilderness.

In this session we will go over how to read a topo map, the difference between magnetic and true north, how to take a bearing and plot a course. We will also go over how to use GPS and how it can be used to complement a map and compass.

The following Sunday (Nov 11th at 10am) we will go to a nearby place in Boulder and put into practice what we went over Wednesday.

If you are interested in taking this "class", please e-mail me to reserve a spot. To keep what little sanity I have, the class is limited to 12 people. :-)

For those who just want to practice their skills, you can just attend the field exercise. Please e-mail as well if that is the case so I can have the appropriate materials for you.

Note: The F/X is a basic use of skills and is not an orienteering type race.

As I enjoy saying: "I pretend to know what I am talking about, you pretend to listen". :)

The day went well. It was unseasonably warm, the open space was PERFECT to practice the concepts we went over on class Wednesday, and I really think the lessons clicked for everyone. It is one thing to look at a slide show and discuss "magnetic declination", "Field to Map =ADD" and "lateral drift" , it is another thing all together to actually apply the concepts in a hands on environment.

From what I could tell, the light bulbs went off and everyone really seemed to grasp the concepts! Well, they found the flags that were planted anyway! ;)

Afterwards we went to Southern Sun for some post orientation beers. I had no problem finding a Java Porter on tap....

Happy Veterans Day, btw. No matter what your political leanings may be, supporting the veterans who fought in past and present conflicts is always a good act. A veteran will appreciate the acknowledgment.

November 10th - Twin Sisters

The Twin Sisters is a classic shoulder season hike. Not so high up that you are exposed, but exquisite views to the west. The summit of Longs Peak is only five miles away.

All in all, it makes a wonderful late Fall hike.

Though the hike is almost 8 miles round trip and a little over 2400' elev gain, the gradually graded trail makes the hike seem very moderate.

There is not too much to say. We had an excellent group of six people (Stephenie, Bryce, Emily, Jesse, Nahum and myself), enjoyable weather (if a little windy on top) and the great views I expected.

Afterwards Nahum, his wife Patricia and myself headed over to the Zapins to enjoy a wonderful meal. Only six more weeks until the Aravs move to Blacksburg. :( We'll just have to enjoy the time left that we have to play in Colorado!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

November 3rd - The Sacred Cliffs

The Sacred Cliffs are part of a ridge in Boulder, CO sandwiched between Bear and Green Mountains. The cliffs are also a known place for climbing.

It is a place I’ve never been to in Boulder. Due to a closure part of the year and being accessible only by faint use paths and off trail travel, it is a place than is not visited as often as other parts of Boulder.

The day started off sunny, warm and beautiful. It was a motif would carry for the day.

Joining us for part of this trip was Malia, Dave and their 4 month old daughter Kiele. I have not seen them since May of this past year, so it was a pleasure to see them!

The Sacred Cliffs afforded a unique walk along a place I have explored extensively in the past. Great views of rock formations and a unique perspective on old favorites.

It is a hike I will have to do again at some point.

All the photos